Monday, November 28, 2011

We have postponed pictures until Spring

We have postponed pictures until Spring.  Due to several conflicts, not the least of which timing, we would not have pictures back before Christmas.  So Oasis Academy pictures will be done in the spring.   We will post all of the details including the specific day and date, costs, and schedules for taking the pictures on or before our next parent meeting.   That meeting will be Wednesday, Jan. 11 at 6pm in the lunchroom.    Through no one's fault and in an effort to accommodate as many schedules as possible we think this would be the best solution.   Please know that  we are very happy to be working with Lissa Overlie and Susan Robertson to get quality pictures for your students.  Thank you for your understanding.  If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me directly and I will do my best to answer. 

Samantha Gomes,
FOA President

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